The right to vote is an important part of our democracy. To vote in Australian elections, you must enrol by placing your name on the electoral roll. To go on the electoral roll you need to fill out an enrolment form. You can fill in a voting enrolment form online or on paper.
So, what's an electoral roll?

How to enrol to vote
Who is eligible to vote in Victoria?
How to enrol to vote
If you’re enrolling to vote for the first time, you need to fill out a voting enrolment form which can be done online or on paper.
You must enrol to vote before the electoral roll closes prior to an election.
Online Enrolment
To enrol online, simply follow the steps on the VEC website and fill in the online form. It's quick and easy.
Paper Enrolment
To enrol using a paper form, you can download an enrolment form from the VEC website or call 131 832 to request to have one sent to you.
Paper forms can be submitted in person at an AEC office, uploaded to the AEC website, mailed to the VEC, or emailed to the VEC.
Updating enrolment details
Why vote?
Voting is compulsory by law in Australia. It’s your right and responsibility.
Being enrolled means you’ll always be ready to have your say.
A healthy democracy requires active participation. You have the power to decide who represents you in the Federal and Victorian Parliament, and on local councils. This is a huge opportunity, so leverage this power.
If you don’t like what’s happening, vote for a new member of parliament. If you're passionate about an issue - vote accordingly.
There’s a Victorian state election in 2022. So enrol to vote and make your voice heard.
So you're enrolled - now what? In the next module we'll look at how you can get informed about candidates and issues before an election.