Youth Voice Creative needs you

Are you ready to use your voice and raise awareness on the issues and experiences facing young people today?

We need 16 new content creators between the ages of 18-25 years old, who want to share their stories online - and while you’re at it you’ll learn and build on new skills.

If successful, you’ll get:

  • a weekend retreat (Friday 24 March - Sunday 26 March), with meals, transport and accommodation provided;
  • the opportunity to attend professional workshops to build on leadership and advocacy skills;
  • a small token payment at the end of the program;
  • the chance to be a part of an amazing new community of young people.

Your ideas or skills don’t have to be polished; it’s your passion and raw talent that the Youth Voice team needs.

Applications close Tuesday 28 February 2023.

For further details, please read the Youth Voice Creative program information.

Are you ready to take a leap? To learn more apply TODAY!

We’re looking for a few types of people for our team, choose any of the following passions/characteristics that you believe you fit into?

Tell us about why you chose those options? eg. Have you already achieved anything towards these passions? What experiences are you bringing to the table in those categories?

Why do you want to join the Youth Content Creative?

Please outline below any access requirements that you need (e.g. interpreters, scribing, internet access, etc.) for our initial chat and for any future possible Youth Content Creative meetings!