In your final week of Uplift Online, you will look at taking action in all aspects of your life, as well as when you exercise.

Taking action always creates an outcome in return; whether or not this is the outcome you wanted you will be able to learn from this experience and continue to grow and build your confidence.

Throughout your Uplift Online journey you have taken action to learn more about your physical and mental health by participating in the program activities. Another way you take action in your day-to-day life is working towards achieving your goals.

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Y Fit – Strength Workout with Krisztina

To begin your week on Action, Krisztina will take you through a full body endurance workout where you can take action by giving your all during the session. You may even want to reflect on the last six weeks and see how you have progressed by completing these fitness sessions.

Activity 1 – Setting SMART Goals

What do we mean by SMART goals?

SMART goals stands for:

S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Realistic
T – Timely

SMART goals are specific to you or a certain area of your life that can be easily achieved.

Have a think about some things that you want to achieve. These could be things that you want to achieve in certain areas of your life like your fitness journey, at school or Uni or in your personal or social life. They can be things you want to achieve soon or things you want to achieve down the track. You may want to write this in your journal or even on a whiteboard and create a vison board to help visualise your goals.

Once you have some goals in mind, go to page 26 of your Uplift Guidebook where you’ll find a table that asks you about barriers to achieving these goals and what can help you achieve them. We have an example there for you that you can follow. Try and list some things that could potentially stop you from achieving these goals, and some things that you need or that will help to achieve these goals.

If you like you may want to move onto the next section on page 27 of your Uplift Guidebook and choose one goal to focus on and write down four steps to make this goal a reality.

Activity 2 – Working Through Challenges

In your life you will come across challenges. These may be at school or Uni, at home, within your family or friendship group or within your sporting team. It can be hard to face challenges when you are uncertain about what the outcome will be. Part of taking action is identifying these challenges and then looking at some ways you can overcome them to build your self-confidence, become more comfortable with change and learn new things.

While you have your journal handy, list some challenges that you are facing right now or some challenges you may face in the future. Now list some strategies you can use to overcome these challenges. Check out our example below:

Challenge: Moving to a new school where I don’t know anyone


  • Talk to people in my new home room and ask them to show me around
  • Ask about any clubs I can join to meet some of the other students
  • Get to know the people I sit next to in my classes.

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