Welcome to Week 4 of Uplift Online. This week you’ll look at Values.

Values are things that are important to you and the things you stand by. Everyone has different values and beliefs and it can be tricky in situations where you might not agree with how someone is acting. Learning to respect someone else’s values while standing up for your own can be difficult.

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Y Fit – How Many in 30 Challenge with Blake

To begin you week on Values, Y fitness instructor Blake will take you through a “how many in 30” workout challenge. Grab your yoga mat and give this challenge a go. This workout may be hard, but because you are halfway through the program this challenge will help you see what you have learnt so far and the progress you have made from Week 1. Make sure to move through the exercises at your own pace.

Y Wellbeing – Meditation

Take some time to yourself to give this meditation session a go. As you go through the exercise have a think about the things that are important to you. This could be spending time with your family, hanging out with your mates after school, taking your dog for a walk or playing netball with your teammates. Meditation allows us to clear our minds and reflect on the things that are important to us and the values we stand by.

Identifying My Values

We all have core values that we stand by. In this activity, pick three values that you stand by (some examples may include respect, honesty and patience) and write down what you believe about this value and how your actions show this value.

For example:

Chosen Value = Honesty

What do I believe about this value? I believe honesty is important because you always know where you stand

How do my actions show this value? I show honesty by telling the truth

You may want to grab your journal to write your answers down.

What's next?